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Cessione di Infrastruttura Strategica presente sul Territorio Italiano
Cessione di Infrastruttura Strategica presente sul Territorio Italiano
Divestiture of Strategic Infrastructure in Italy

Per conto dell’azionista pubblico di una infrastruttura strategica del territorio italiano, HELVIA ha allestito il piano industriale, il pitch book e la valutazione finanziaria per la sua collocazione sul mercato globale. HELVIA ha selezionato e contattato oltre 250 potenziali investitori del settore, raccogliendo una dozzina di manifestazioni di interesse da parte di potenziali acquirenti interessati, italiani ed esteri. HELVIA ha organizzato la virtual data room, gestito le relazioni e le trattative con le controparti, assistito le trattative tra le parti, sino alla raccolta di 3 offerte vincolanti di acquisto, tra cui quella che è stata infine accettata del valore di € 35 Milioni.
On behalf of a public shareholder of a strategic infrastructure in Italy, HELVIA drew up the business plan, pitch book and financial evaluation for its placement on the global market. HELVIA selected and contacted over 250 potential investors in the industry, gathering a dozen expressions of interest from interested potential buyers, both Italian and foreign. HELVIA organised the virtual data room, managed the relationships and negotiations with the counterparties, assisted the negotiations between the parties, up to the collection of 3 binding purchase offers, including the one that was finally accepted for a value of approx. € 35 million.
On behalf of a public shareholder of a strategic infrastructure in Italy, HELVIA drew up the business plan, pitch book and financial evaluation for its placement on the global market. HELVIA selected and contacted over 250 potential investors in the industry, gathering a dozen expressions of interest from interested potential buyers, both Italian and foreign. HELVIA organised the virtual data room, managed the relationships and negotiations with the counterparties, assisted the negotiations between the parties, up to the collection of 3 binding purchase offers, including the one that was finally accepted for a value of approx. € 35 million.