ProINVESTO.IT is a registered trademark and division of HELVIA Partners SA (“HELVIA”) – Swiss International Trust Company. For more infos, see please: All rights are reserved©.
HELVIA’s Head Office is located at Via Luigi Canonica 11 – 6900 – Lugano – Canton Tessin – Switzerland – 50 miles from Milan (Italy).
You can reach HELVIA’s Contact Centre at the following addresses:
Phone no.:+41 (0)91 630 97 57
from Monday to Friday – 08:45 am to 12:30 pm and 02.00 pm to 06.00 pm.
or via Email: or .
To submit your request, please complete and send us the form below. HELVIA assures the max confidentiality with regard to your contact and any information disclosed.
A HELVIA’S professional will contact you ASAP to arrange a confidential meeting, via video conference or in person, together with one of our Principals, who will learn about your project and advice you on the best strategy to pursuit it.
Thanks for your attention and we hope to have you on board with HELVIA soon.
HELVIA-ProINVESTO.IT is at your disposal for a strictly confidential advice via videoconference or in person.
HELVIA-ProINVESTO.IT steht Ihnen für eine streng vertrauliche Beratung per Videokonferenz oder persönlich zur Verfügung.
HELVIA-ProINVESTO.IT est à votre disposition pour un conseil strictement confidentiel par vidéoconférence ou en personne.
HELVIA-ProINVESTO.IT è a vostra disposizione per un consulto via videconferenza o di persona, strettamente riservato.
HELVIA-ProINVESTO.IT está a su disposición para un consejo estrictamente confidencial por videoconferencia o en persona.
HELVIA-PROINVESTO.IT находится в вашем полном распоряжении для получения строго конфиденциальной консультации в режиме видеоконференции или при личной встрече.