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Cessione di Azienda Italiana Leader di Nicchia nel Mercato FMCG
Cessione di Azienda Italiana Leader di Nicchia nel Mercato FMCG
Divestiture of an Italian Leading Niche Manufacturer in the FMCG Market

Per conto di una business family italiana, HELVIA ha diretto la vendita di una PMI leader di mercato nei Fast Moving Consumer Goods con un fatturato di oltre € 20 Milioni. HELVIA ha selezionato i potenziali acquirenti ed assieme alla famiglia cedente, ha condotto e finalizzato le trattative. Ai fini della ricerca, sono stati contattati selettivamente oltre 150 potenziali acquirenti nazionali ed internazionali. In fase di selezione, sono state ricevute manifestazioni d'interesse ed offerte d’acquisto da parte d’investitori italiani, svizzeri, americani e svedesi. L’operazione si è conclusa con l’accettazione di un’offerta di acquisto da parte di un gruppo internazionale di oltre € 16 Milioni per la cessione della maggioranza qualificata e con l’assunzione di 1 membro della famiglia imprenditrice, in qualità di Amministratore Delegato.
On behalf of an Italian business family, HELVIA led the disposal of a market-leading SME in Fast Moving Consumer Goods with a turnover of over €20 million. HELVIA selected potential buyers and together with the selling family, led and finalised the negotiations. For the purpose of the search, more than 150 potential domestic and international acquirers were selectively targeted . During the selection phase, expressions of interest and purchase offers were received from Italian, Swiss, American and Swedish investors. The deal was closed with the acceptance of a purchase offer from an international group of over € 12 million for the acquisition of the qualified majority. Furthermore, a member of the selling business family was hired as CEO of the company.
On behalf of an Italian business family, HELVIA led the disposal of a market-leading SME in Fast Moving Consumer Goods with a turnover of over €20 million. HELVIA selected potential buyers and together with the selling family, led and finalised the negotiations. For the purpose of the search, more than 150 potential domestic and international acquirers were selectively targeted . During the selection phase, expressions of interest and purchase offers were received from Italian, Swiss, American and Swedish investors. The deal was closed with the acceptance of a purchase offer from an international group of over € 12 million for the acquisition of the qualified majority. Furthermore, a member of the selling business family was hired as CEO of the company.