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Acquisizione di Azienda Svizzera di Sistemi di Automazione Industriale
Acquisizione di Azienda Svizzera di Sistemi di Automazione Industriale
Acquisition of Swiss Industrial Automation Systems Company

Per conto di un investitore italiano, al fine di reinvestire parte del capitale ricavato derivante da una precedente dismissione, HELVIA ha ricercato e selezionato molteplici opportunità di acquisizione nel settore dei sistemi di automazione industriale, in Italia e Svizzera. Dall’esame delle opportunità, l’interesse all’acquisto si è concentrato su un piccolo produttore elvetico di innovativi e specifici sistemi per la completa automazione dei processi produttivi, ad alto potenziale di crescita. Per conto del cliente, HELVIA ha condotto le trattative negoziali, la due diligence finanziaria, la valutazione finanziaria, il piano industriale e il piano di integrazione post-acquisizione. L’operazione si è conclusa con l’acquisizione del pacchetto di controllo ad un prezzo di ca. CHF 3,5 Milioni.
On behalf of an Italian investor, in order to reinvest part of the earnings from a previous divestment, HELVIA has searched and selected multiple acquisition opportunities in the industrial automation systems business, in Italy and Switzerland. After examining the opportunities, the acquisition interest focused on a small Swiss manufacturer of innovative and specific systems for the whole automation of production processes, with high growth potential. Negotiation meetings, financial due diligence, financial evaluation, business plan and post-acquisition integration plan were conducted by HELVIA on behalf of the client. The transaction was concluded with the acquisition of the company's controlling at a price of approx. CHF 3.5 million.
On behalf of an Italian investor, in order to reinvest part of the earnings from a previous divestment, HELVIA has searched and selected multiple acquisition opportunities in the industrial automation systems business, in Italy and Switzerland. After examining the opportunities, the acquisition interest focused on a small Swiss manufacturer of innovative and specific systems for the whole automation of production processes, with high growth potential. Negotiation meetings, financial due diligence, financial evaluation, business plan and post-acquisition integration plan were conducted by HELVIA on behalf of the client. The transaction was concluded with the acquisition of the company's controlling at a price of approx. CHF 3.5 million.