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Cessione del Pacchetto di Controllo di PMI Svizzera ad Alta Tecnologia Elettronica
Cessione del Pacchetto di Controllo di PMI Svizzera ad Alta Tecnologia Elettronica
Divestiture of the Controlling Stake in a Swiss High-Tech Electronics SME

Per conto dei 2 azionisti di una PMI elvetica di alta tecnologia elettronica che da tempo erano alla ricerca di un acquirente, HELVIA ha condotto la ristrutturazione d’azienda, allestendo il pitch book e la valutazione finanziaria per la sua collocazione sul mercato. Ai fini della ricerca del potenziale acquirente, sono stati selezionati e contattati riservatamente da HELVIA oltre 100 operatori industriali di settore, in Svizzera, Germania e Italia. A seguito delle espressioni di interesse raccolte è stata aperta una gara competitiva tra gli investitori interessati che ha condotto alla raccolta di 2 offerte vincolanti di acquisto. L’operazione si è conclusa con l’accettazione di una offerta di prezzo di CHF 10,5 Milioni da parte di un noto gruppo industriale italiano.
On behalf of the 2 shareholders of a Swiss high-tech electronics SME who had been looking for a buyer for some time, HELVIA conducted the industrial restructuring, setting up the pitch book and the financial valuation for its market placement. For the purpose of searching for a potential buyer, over 100 industrial players in the specific marketplace in Switzerland, Germany and Italy were selected and contacted confidentially by HELVIA. Following the expressions of interest collected, a competitive bidding process was opened among potential acquirers, which led to the collection of 2 binding purchase offers. The transaction was concluded with the acceptance of a price offer of CHF 10,5 Million from a well-known Italian industrial group.
On behalf of the 2 shareholders of a Swiss high-tech electronics SME who had been looking for a buyer for some time, HELVIA conducted the industrial restructuring, setting up the pitch book and the financial valuation for its market placement. For the purpose of searching for a potential buyer, over 100 industrial players in the specific marketplace in Switzerland, Germany and Italy were selected and contacted confidentially by HELVIA. Following the expressions of interest collected, a competitive bidding process was opened among potential acquirers, which led to the collection of 2 binding purchase offers. The transaction was concluded with the acceptance of a price offer of CHF 10,5 Million from a well-known Italian industrial group.