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Ricerca Partner Strategico per Grande Opera Infrastrutturale in Asia
Ricerca Partner Strategico per Grande Opera Infrastrutturale in Asia
Search of a Strategic Partner for a Large Infrastructure Project in Asia

Per conto di un preminente EPC contractor asiatico, HELVIA ha ricercato, selezionato e concluso l'accordo di partnership con un importante EPC contractor europeo, al fine di creare un Consorzio di General Contracting dotato delle necessarie competenze organizzative, ingegneristico-progettuali, tecnico-esecutive ed amministrativo-legali, al fine di partecipare ad una importante gara internazionale d'appalto in Asia, di cui sono stati alla fine aggiudicatari. Specificatamente, HELVIA si è occupata della ricerca e selezione del partner strategico, della gestione delle relazioni e trattative tra le parti, dell'allestimento e redazione dell'accordo finale che ha condotto alla creazione della società veicolo di scopo (SPV) utilizzata per la partecipazione e l'esecuzione della gara d'appalto.
On behalf of a leading Asian EPC contractor, HELVIA has sought, selected and craft the partnership agreement with an prime European EPC contractor, to set-up a General Contracting Consortium with the needed organisational, engineering-design, technical-execution and administrative-legal skills, to attend a major international tender in Asia, of which they were finally awarded. Specifically, HELVIA was assigned for the search and selection of the strategic partner, the management of relationships and negotiations between the parties, and the drafting and closing of the final partneship agreement that led to the set-up of the special purpose vehicle used for the bidding and executing the bid.
On behalf of a leading Asian EPC contractor, HELVIA has sought, selected and craft the partnership agreement with an prime European EPC contractor, to set-up a General Contracting Consortium with the needed organisational, engineering-design, technical-execution and administrative-legal skills, to attend a major international tender in Asia, of which they were finally awarded. Specifically, HELVIA was assigned for the search and selection of the strategic partner, the management of relationships and negotiations between the parties, and the drafting and closing of the final partneship agreement that led to the set-up of the special purpose vehicle used for the bidding and executing the bid.