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Cessione Pacchetto di Controllo di Azienda Italiana ad Alta Tecnologia Biomedicale
Cessione Pacchetto di Controllo di Azienda Italiana ad Alta Tecnologia Biomedicale
Divestiture of Controlling Stake in Italian High-Tech Biomedical Company

Per conto della proprietà di una PMI italiana ad alta tecnologia biomedicale, HELVIA ha allestito il pitch book e la valutazione finanziaria per la collocazione sul mercato della unità in vendita ed ha selezionato e contattato riservatamente i decision-maker dei leader industriali nazionali e globali del settore. A seguito delle espressioni di interesse raccolte è stata aperta una trattativa in via esclusiva con un importante gruppo nazionale italiano che si è conclusa con l'acquisizione del pacchetto di controllo ad un prezzo di cessione strettamente riservato.
On behalf of the ownership of an Italian high-tech biomedical SME, HELVIA prepared the pitch book and the financial valuation for the market placement of the target company and it has confidentially selected and contacted the decision-makers of domestic and global market's most relevant leaders. Following the gathering of expressions of interest, an exclusive negotiation was opened with a major Italian national group, which ended with the acquisition of the company's controlling stake at a strictly confidential sale price.
On behalf of the ownership of an Italian high-tech biomedical SME, HELVIA prepared the pitch book and the financial valuation for the market placement of the target company and it has confidentially selected and contacted the decision-makers of domestic and global market's most relevant leaders. Following the gathering of expressions of interest, an exclusive negotiation was opened with a major Italian national group, which ended with the acquisition of the company's controlling stake at a strictly confidential sale price.